Requesting an Excused Absence
A student is considered absent from a rehearsal 30 minutes after the rehearsal was scheduled to begin.
Students arriving between the start of rehearsal and the 30 minute mark will be considered tardy.
Pre-Planned Absences
If a student/parent is aware of an absence ahead-of-time, two weeks notice is required for the absence to be considered an Excused Absence. A parent/guardian must fill out the attendance form for the student.
Reasons for Excused Absences include family weddings, medical procedures, etc. Please note that student jobs, family vacations, school tutorials, SAT and ACT test preparation, and drivers education courses will not be considered for an Excused Absence.
Emergency Absences
Excused Absences can be granted for legitimate illnesses or family emergencies. Students seeking an Excused Absence for a Family Emergency or Illness must follow this two-step process: (1) email Mr. Haddock at regarding the request for an Emergency Excused Absence and (2) have a parent/guardian complete the Conflict Form below.
Ultimately, the directors have final say on determining whether an absence is Excused or Unexcused.
Requesting an Excused Tardy
Between the start of rehearsal and the 30-minute mark, students arriving during this time are considered Tardy. A student is considered Absent from a rehearsal 30 minutes after the rehearsal was scheduled to begin (see above).
Pre-Planned Tardies
If a student/parent is aware of a need to arrive late ahead-of-time, two weeks notice is required for the tardy to be considered an Excused Tardy. A parent/guardian must fill out the attendance form for the student.
Reasons for Excused Tardies include medical appointments, etc. Please note that student jobs, SAT and ACT test preparation, and drivers education courses cannot be considered for an Excused Tardy.
Emergency Tardies
Excused Tardies can be granted for legitimate illnesses or family emergencies. Students seeking an Excused Tardy for a Family Emergency or Illness must follow this two-step process: (1) contact Mr. Haddock via email at [email protected] regarding the request for an Emergency Excused Tardy and (2) have a parent/guardian complete the Conflict Form below.
Ultimately, the directors have final say on determining whether a tardy is Excused or Unexcused. Review the band handbook for more information.
Leaving Early from Rehearsal
If a performer should need to leave rehearsal early, a parent/guardian must complete the Conflict Form two weeks prior to the request to leave early. If the request is needed for an emergency, please follow the same procedure listed above for Emergency Excused Absences/Tardies.
A student is considered absent from a rehearsal 30 minutes after the rehearsal was scheduled to begin.
Students arriving between the start of rehearsal and the 30 minute mark will be considered tardy.
Pre-Planned Absences
If a student/parent is aware of an absence ahead-of-time, two weeks notice is required for the absence to be considered an Excused Absence. A parent/guardian must fill out the attendance form for the student.
Reasons for Excused Absences include family weddings, medical procedures, etc. Please note that student jobs, family vacations, school tutorials, SAT and ACT test preparation, and drivers education courses will not be considered for an Excused Absence.
Emergency Absences
Excused Absences can be granted for legitimate illnesses or family emergencies. Students seeking an Excused Absence for a Family Emergency or Illness must follow this two-step process: (1) email Mr. Haddock at regarding the request for an Emergency Excused Absence and (2) have a parent/guardian complete the Conflict Form below.
Ultimately, the directors have final say on determining whether an absence is Excused or Unexcused.
Requesting an Excused Tardy
Between the start of rehearsal and the 30-minute mark, students arriving during this time are considered Tardy. A student is considered Absent from a rehearsal 30 minutes after the rehearsal was scheduled to begin (see above).
Pre-Planned Tardies
If a student/parent is aware of a need to arrive late ahead-of-time, two weeks notice is required for the tardy to be considered an Excused Tardy. A parent/guardian must fill out the attendance form for the student.
Reasons for Excused Tardies include medical appointments, etc. Please note that student jobs, SAT and ACT test preparation, and drivers education courses cannot be considered for an Excused Tardy.
Emergency Tardies
Excused Tardies can be granted for legitimate illnesses or family emergencies. Students seeking an Excused Tardy for a Family Emergency or Illness must follow this two-step process: (1) contact Mr. Haddock via email at [email protected] regarding the request for an Emergency Excused Tardy and (2) have a parent/guardian complete the Conflict Form below.
Ultimately, the directors have final say on determining whether a tardy is Excused or Unexcused. Review the band handbook for more information.
Leaving Early from Rehearsal
If a performer should need to leave rehearsal early, a parent/guardian must complete the Conflict Form two weeks prior to the request to leave early. If the request is needed for an emergency, please follow the same procedure listed above for Emergency Excused Absences/Tardies.